Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bay of Fundy

Well we returned from Newfoundland and headed down to Peggy's Cove for a few relaxing days. Peggy's and the surrounding little coves were very cute and postcard like and we were blessed with some calm sunny weather and a couple foggy mornings. Luckily next to our campsite was a place you could get lobster right off the dock for 8.50$ a pound so Anne and I ate our fill one night with a couple of 1.5 lbers yummy!

Next we headed over to the Bay of Fundy and stayed in Fundy National Park. Here we visited Hopewell Rocks and experienced the super low and high tides the area is famous for. At low tide you can walk the beach where a few hours earlier there was 40 feet of ocean, pretty cool. We also had great weather with sunny skies and low 70 degree temps, also very little people. I love September!

Now we are near the Maine, USA border, back in Woodstock, New Brunswick. Time to start the trek south with the birds towards the Florida and the Gulf of Mexico.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Goodbye Newfoundland

Had a great time in Newfoundland but the weather is changing and getting cooler so it's time to start heading south. We had some nice hikes along the coastline and even came apon a couple of moose grazing in the forest.
We had quite the mix of weather during our stay, some days were sunny and calm and others were stormy as hell but it was so beautiful even the storms were cool.

More pictures here *click*

Monday, September 12, 2011

Landed on the rock, Newfoundland

Wow! What a ferry trip. We arrived at the terminal a couple hours early like they say to for a 3pm departure time,but the loading is delayed and we finally get on the boat about 4:30pm. It's suppose to be a 5 hour crossing to Port Aux Basque, Newfoundland.but the seas start getting rough and the winds howl 90 km/hr, so we can't dock until 2 am, arrrrghhhh! The doggies had to stay in the RV the whole time, but seemed to survive OK. Decided to overnight in the visitors center rather than driving as moose out number people on the rock.

Next day we drove up to Rocky Harbour, a little village tucked in close to Grose Morne National Park. The park is fantastically beautiful, rugged and untamed. The star attraction is a boat tour up a flooded valley called Western_Brook_Pond. You have to hike 3 km through marshland to a dock at one end of the lake and the boat tours you by huge granite cliffs in narrow canyons with waterfalls here and there, fantastic.

 Wanting to get a little closer to the coast, we found a national park site at Green Point and being September the place is deserted. Yay, for us, we snagged a site perched right over the ocean with a view of Green Point and a little fish staging area. I think we will spend a few days here and then maybe go look for icebergs.
More Newfoundland pictures here

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fort Louisberg

 While waiting for the long weekend to end so we can go to Newfoundland, we decided to take a day trip to Fort Louisberg.

Started out foggy but soon cleared up. We had a good time touring the fort and had a nice lunch of mussels, bread and cheese in a recreated old town inn complete with old fashion dishes.

Nova Scotia is stuffed with history and we have spent the week touring the historical places like where Marconi sent the first telegraph message to England. and Miners Museum about the coal mining history of Cape Breton.