Monday, July 25, 2011

Whale watching on the St Lawrence Seaway

Took a nice 3 hour boat cruise today to find whales in the St Lawrence. Was a great day for it sunny and mild and calm waters, boat was great and we saw a bunch of whales. There were a pile of Minke and Fin whales swimming in pods sometimes of 7 or 8 no belugas seen though, they were shy today.uploaded a short video and some pix, check it out.
Across the road from our campground is Santas House, Noel Au Chateau, it's pretty strange to see in July, I'll upload some pix of it. also the other night they had a Santa parade with elfs, Mrs. Santa , etc throughout the campground just like it was Xmas , very strange. it,s something they do here every year for the children.

Gonna relax tonight and head to New Brunswick tomorrow , Atlantic time here we come!

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