Saturday, May 12, 2012

Scenic Highway 12

After Bryce Canyon which is located at the start of Highway 12 in Utah we moseyed are way down to a little State Park , Kodachrome Basin State Park to check out the cool rock formations and colors there. The campground has a awesome view and it's a very pretty location. There were many hiking trails and even allowed pets so Angie got in some good hikes.

 Next stop was another beautiful national park called Capitol Reef. Wow more terrific Utah scenery was served up! During sunset the cliffs light up.

 Finally at the other end of highway 12 and a little way up highway 24 is a really cool state park called Goblin Valley. It's named that for all the interestingly shaped rock pillars and blobs the valley has. Anne and I had a good time walking amougst the goblins.:)

 This One Looks Like Oscar

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